

En­tire spec­trum of in­su­la­tion

In­su­la­tion is every­where. And in every place it’s found, it per­forms a vi­tal func­tion. Put simply, in­su­la­tion keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. But things really start to get in­ter­est­ing when we con­sider the chal­lenges in de­vel­op­ing, cre­at­ing and fit­ting in­su­la­tion for in­dus­trial and high-tech ap­plic­a­tions. That’s KAE­FER’s spe­ci­al­ity. From thermal and cryo­genic in­su­la­tion to noise pro­tec­tion and acous­tic in­su­la­tion as well as nuc­lear cas­settes – KAEFER provides in­nov­at­ive solu­tions, products and ser­vices that pro­tect, con­serve and en­sure the per­form­ance and func­tion of mod­ern in­dustry.

Thermal in­su­la­tion

We have the know-how, ex­per­i­ence and flex­ib­il­ity to take on com­plex, large-scale pro­jects that need to be com­pleted within strict time­frames. By em­ploy­ing lean prin­ciples, we en­sure that everything is at the right time and at the right place. This al­lows us to be ex­tremely flex­ible when it comes to re­act­ing to chal­lenges quickly.

We de­ve­lop and pro­duce a range of pro­pri­et­ary products and sys­tems to en­sure that our in­su­la­tion solu­tions make the most of our tech­nical skills, spe­cial­ised know­ledge and un­der­stand­ing of every as­pect of how in­su­la­tion works. We have the ex­pert­ise to help you achieve even the most am­bi­tious goals and make even the biggest and most com­plex pro­jects real­ity.

Thermal in­su­la­tion is simple – it’s about keep­ing hot things hot and cold things cold, con­serving en­ergy in the pro­cess. And in times of in­creased en­vir­on­men­tal pres­sures and en­ergy costs, thermal in­su­la­tion is more im­port­ant than ever.

Areas of application / hot insulation 

  • Refineries
  • Chemical industry
  • Food processing
  • Wood and paper industries
  • Heating, ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC)
  • Natural gas storage tanks
  • Biomass plants
  • Environmental technology

Areas of application / cold insulation

  • LNG and ethylene plants
  • Cryogenic storage
  • CO2plants
  • Gas liquefaction plants
  • Piping
  • Vessels
  • Tanks

Cryo­genic in­su­la­tion

It takes a spe­cial kind of ex­pert to con­trol the freez­ing tem­per­at­ures of minus 163°C ne­ces­sary to handle, store and sup­ply li­que­fied nat­ural gas (LNG). KAEFER has over 40 years of ex­per­i­ence in LNG.

From high-per­form­ance in­su­la­tion at gas plants and pipelines to stor­age and trans­port­a­tion tanks, we provide a wide range of ser­vices and solu­tions for the whole gas hand­ling chain.

We have a spe­cial­ised di­vi­sion ded­ic­ated to LNG – our LNG Solu­tions Cen­ter.

Noise Pro­tec­tion & Acous­tics

Noise is un­healthy not just for people, but also for struc­tures as a res­ult of vi­bra­tion. KAEFER of­fers in­nov­at­ive and tailored solu­tions to deal with noise ef­fect­ively and ef­fi­ciently. It starts with meas­ure­ment – our en­gin­eers ana­lyse noise levels and ori­gins with state-of-the-art equip­ment and de­ve­lop noise pro­tec­tion meas­ures that are tailored ex­actly and in­di­vidu­ally to each fa­cil­ity or build­ing. We can of­fer high-qual­ity, cus­tom­ised sound ab­sorbers, acous­tic en­clos­ures, acous­tic screens as well as pipe and ves­sel in­su­la­tion com­bined with thermal re­quire­ments to our cli­ents.