KAEFER’s Compliance Commitment

At KAEFER, integrity is at the core of our operations. We prioritise compliance with strict internal rules designed to prevent misconduct and ensure adherence to ethical standards in all regions where we operate. Our Code of Business Conduct serves as a guiding framework for every interaction, fostering trust and reliability with both our partners and employees.

In addition to our internal standards, we hold our suppliers to the same high ethical expectations through our Supplier Code of Conduct. This ensures alignment with our values and principles throughout our supply chain.

To reinforce our commitment to ethical behaviour, we provide a secure whistleblowing platform known as the KAEFER Compliance Helpline. This allows individuals to report any concerns anonymously, ensuring transparency and accountability in all aspects of our operations.

At KAEFER, compliance is not just a requirement—it’s fundamental to our global operations. It protects our reputation, promotes sustainable business practices, and reinforces our commitment to excellence in everything we do.


How can reports be submitted?

Re­ports can be sub­mit­ted via dif­fer­ent chan­nels, e.g.

The KAEFER Compliance Helpline is operated by an external provider and can be used by employees, suppliers, customers and other third parties. It is available worldwide in different languages and offers anonymous reporting. Once accessed, the KAEFER Compliance Helpline provides clear instructions and is self-explanatory.

  • By contacting Corporate Group Compliance via telephone, email, postal or in person.

Phone: +370 650 26438
Address: Ringuvos g. 65A, LT-45245 Kaunas, Lithuania

Phone: +49 421 3055 0
Ad­dress: Markt­str. 2, 28195 Bre­men, Ger­many

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KAEFER Code of Conduct

Discover the core values that guide the KAEFER Group with our globally binding principles and standards. Our Code of Business Conduct ensures that our employees act ethically, with integrity and in full compliance with all applicable laws and regulations. In addition, our Supplier Code of Conduct extends these expectations to our suppliers, ensuring that they are aligned with the values and standards we uphold. Read more about our commitment to ethical behaviour in all our operations.

KAEFER Group Policies

A company to rely on

At KAEFER we un­der­stand the im­port­ance of sus­tain­ab­il­ity, we ful­fil our com­mit­ments and make no com­prom­ises re­gard­ing Health & Safety, En­vir­on­ment, Qual­ity and Com­pli­ance. This per­meates our cul­ture and al­lows us to provide con­sist­ent cli­ent sat­is­fac­tion and main­tain long-term re­si­li­ence for our busi­ness.

We integrate responsible practices throughout our operations, from our fundamental corporate policy to specific commitments on Human Rights, Environmental Protection and ESG initiatives. Our Health and Safety, Environmental and Quality Policies underline our commitment to providing a safe, sustainable, and high-quality working environment for all stakeholders.

To­gether, we work to­wards the com­mit­ments within our KAEFER Group Policies!