About us

We are KAEFER. Our mis­sion is clear:

We started our activities in Lithuania in 1992, and in 2005 we became part of the global KAEFER company, a market leader in insulation and scaffolding worldwide. Our employees work on projects both in Lithuania and abroad.
We invite you to join our team:
-Scaffolding installers;
-Sheet metalworkers;



million turnover in €




years experience

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More Information

When it counts, count on us.

We are a mod­ern, multi-na­tional group with more than 33,000 em­ploy­ees work­ing all around the world. We are con­vinced that we have an im­port­ant part to play in build­ing a sus­tain­able, en­ergy-ef­fi­cient fu­ture. And we are in the per­fect po­s­i­tion to do so: for more than 100 years, we have sup­por­ted our cli­ent’s suc­cess with our tech­nical know­ledge and re­li­able ef­fi­ciency.







sites worldwide

We of­fer com­pre­hens­ive ser­vices and tech­nical solu­tions to se­cure the in­teg­rity and re­tain the value as well as life­time of our cli­ents’ as­sets. Our core ser­vices in­clude in­su­la­tion, ac­cess solu­tions, sur­face pro­tec­tion, pass­ive fire pro­tec­tion, elec­tro-/​mech­an­ical- and spe­cial­ised ser­vices as well as in­terior out­fit­ting.

We pride ourselves on do­ing things the KAEFER way. It’s what makes us dif­fer­ent and is seen clearly in our strong safety re­cord, cut­ting-edge tech­nical ex­pert­ise and strong eth­ical val­ues that guide us in everything we do. We’re driven by our ef­fi­cient and in­nov­at­ive ap­proach to over­com­ing chal­lenges and provid­ing tailored ser­vices and solu­tions. We also as­sure qual­ity, safety, cost-ef­fi­ciency and con­tinu­ous im­prove­ment with our sub­stan­tial in-house ex­pert­ise and fully in­teg­rated ser­vices.

A promise that KAEFER stands for: When it counts, count on us.