TIPCHECK is the European stand­ard for thermal en­ergy audit­ing of in­dus­trial in­stall­a­tions. KAE­FERs in­su­la­tion ex­perts are cer­ti­fied and qual­ity con­troled to carry out a Tech­nical In­su­la­tion Per­form­ance Check (TIPCHECK) at your fa­cil­ity.

TIPCHECK is cost re­duc­tion while en­ga­ging spe­cific ad­op­ted eco­nom­ical in­su­la­tion solu­tions. KAEFER, as leader in in­su­la­tion con­tract­ing, not only has a vis­ion “to elim­in­ate en­ergy waste” but also of­fers you op­tim­iz­a­tion of in­dus­trial in­stall­a­tions while en­abling eco­lo­gical and eco­nom­ical func­tions.

TIPCHECK is ex­ecuted by spe­cial trained and cer­ti­fied TIPCHECK en­gin­eers and con­sists of fol­low­ing steps:

  • Investigation
  • Analysis
  • Consultation
  • Calculation of  indicators

Parts of ob­ject are be­ing pho­to­graphed while us­ing thermal cam­era that provides in­form­a­tion about weak ex­ist­ing in­su­la­tion points. De­tailed ana­lysis is basis for ex­pan­ded con­sulta­tion with spe­cified tech­nical in­dic­at­ors and costs re­lated to them. In­su­la­tion that is more ef­fect­ive not only con­serves en­ergy, saves money and re­duces emis­sions, but also have pos­it­ive in­flu­ence in con­trolling pro­cesses and safety in work place.

TIPCHECK auditas – Find here more information about the TIPCHECK audit